Bio-Energy Testing™: A Cutting-edge test to measure your biological age and healthspan
Bio-Energy Testing™: A Cutting-edge test to measure your biological age and healthspan
One of the best ways of measuring healthspan is with Bio-Energy Testing (BET)™. The greater your body’s ability to generate energy, the greater your youthfulness and healthspan. Perhaps the most accurate yardstick for measuring health or biological age is to assess how well the mitochondria in your cells are working. The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell that generate energy. Like any part of the body, they are subject to the aging process.
The reason young children are so full of energy is because their mitochondria are youthful and able to generate massive amounts of energy. Over time, the mitochondria undergo aging and are not able to generate as much energy. With Bio-Energy™ Testing, we are able to compare your ability to generate energy with healthy 40-year old’s. (If you are younger than 40, we compare you to individuals your own age.) This provides a yardstick for determining your current level of health and ultimately, your healthspan.
Bio-Energy Testing measures oxygen utilization. Oxygen utilization (OU) determines your level of health and is dependent on multiple factors. To maximize OU, your lifestyle is of critical importance, particularly diet, exercise, stress control and sleep. Your heart and lungs need to be functioning optimally. Your hormones such as thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones, need to be in balance. Your levels of vitamins and minerals need to be adequate – and your level of toxins need to be low.
Your evaluation at The Grossman Wellness Center includes measuring and treating each of these factors. We feel Bio-Energy Testing lies at the core to understanding your current level of health. Fortunately, OSI is one of a handful of medical centers able to perform this testing.
With Bio-Energy™ Testing, we are able to compare your ability to generate energy with a healthy 40 year old. (If you are younger than 40, you are compared to individuals your own age.) This provides a yardstick for determining your current level of health and ultimately, your healthspan.
Bio-Energy Testing is a comprehensive series of tests to assess the efficacy of your mitochondrial function. The mitochondria in your cells burn oxygen to produce energy. The more efficient your mitochondrial function, the more oxygen you can consume. BET measures how much energy your body can consume at rest and during exercise. Oxygen consumption is the best indicator of the health and youthfulness of your body – a direct measure of your Healthspan.
The more physically fit you are, the more oxygen you can consume. Knowing your oxygen consumption through BET can help us design an optimal exercise program for you to increase energy, optimize your weight and feel your best.
Bio-Energy Testing also measures carbon dioxide (CO2) production. You produce different amounts of CO2 depending on whether you are burning carbohydrates or fat to meet your energy needs. It is optimal to derive 75 percent of your energy from fat and 25 percent from carbohydrates. If you are burning too many carbs, your body tends to store fat and you will often have a problem losing weight. Depending on your BET results, we can prescribe the precise ratio of calories you should get from fat, carbs and protein for optimal energy, weight and wellness.